How To Install Opengl In Dev C%2b%2b

  1. How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 1
  2. How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 4
  3. How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 2
  4. How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 1b

To test whether the OpenGL and freeglut libraries work properly, we will write a simple program utilizing the library APIs. The C program will use the code in the OpenGL Red book (this should be a definite read if you are planning to develop using OpenGL) found under the heading 'A very simple OpenGL program'. The following code listing shows. Here is my piece of (a former OpenGL toyer's) advice on the choice of libraries and tools (as for the compiler, you can just use any free modern one out there (i.e., gcc or VSExpress C)): Do not forget to look at GLEW (The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library) or GLee (GL Easy Extension library), especially if you'd like to be stick with more. How do I get an complete OpenGL development package for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0? There are numerous ‘.h’ files that are not included? Where are the OpenGL development packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6? This post walks you through setting up OpenGL, GLEW, and FreeGLUT support in Visual C in order to compile the samples properly. My original thought was to put this in an appendix after all of the chapters were completed, but there's need for it now, so here's the extremely verbose step-by-step explanation. A couple of alternatives to glut (both apparently in active development) are GLFW and FLTK. Between these, GLFW is much closer to glut in character - a small toolkit for abstracting away most of the OS-dependent parts, so you can produce OpenGL programs with relatively little hassle. Sebelum kita masuk ke Tutorial install GLUT di dev-c, mari kita cari tahu apa itu GLUT dan untuk apa GLUT itu. Jadi, GLUT merupakan toolkit untuk menuliskan program OpenGL, GLUT membuat OpenGL mudah untuk dipelajari dan dieksplorasi, GLUT menyediakan API portable, jadi kita bisa membuat program OpenGL yang bisa dijalankan di semua OS. Yum install freeglut-devel. Since GLUT depends on OpenGL and a number of other libraries, installing GLUT will trigger the dependencies needed to install everything else. For distributions derived from Debian such as Ubuntu, the installation command is apt-get install freeglut3-dev.

How to Install Dev-C++ and the GLUT Libraries
for Compiling OpenGL Programs with ANSI C

(version of July 16, 2009)

These notes explain how to compile programs written in ANSI C with OpenGL and GLUT using the Dev-C++ compiler.

Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a free C++ compiler and development environment for Windows operating systems. Like most C++ compilers, it also can be used to compile ANSI C. By installing the GLUT header and library files, it can be used to write programs that use OpenGL. This is needed to run programs for Edward Angel's textbook, Interactive Computer Graphics 5th edition and possibly other computer graphics texts.

How To Install Opengl In Dev C%2b%2b

These notes do not explain how to compile OpenGL with C++ . The 6th edition of Angel's book uses C++ which will not work with these notes.

These instructions have been tested on a small variety of Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. These systems come with the files needed for OpenGL, but not the files needed for GLUT.

Dev-C++ does not work well with Microsoft's Vista. The problem, and a possible fix, is discussed here: but I have not tested this information.

I. Download Dev-C++ from and install it.


Get Dev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 ( (9.0 MB) with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2 Although this is a 'beta' version, it works perfectly fine. Click on SourceForge to go to a list of download sites and pick one. The file will be something like devcpp4.9.9.2_setup.exe. Save this file in a place like C:Temp.

When the download is complete, click on the 'open' button to start the installation process. (Or go to C:Temp andDouble click on devcpp4.9.9.2_setup.exe). You will see a few screens that ask you to pick a language (English) and to agree to the license terms. Choose a 'typical' installation.

Accept the suggested destination for the installation:

Many subdirectories and files are extracted to the destintion:

Answer 'yes' when it asks if you wish to install Dev-cpp for all users. Note: if the installation fails, re-install and try 'no' for this.

A screen says the installation is complete:

Keep the check mark in the box. Click on 'Finish'. A first-time configuration screen appears:

How to install opengl in dev c 2b 2b 1b

Pick 'English' and 'New Look'. In the next several screens, hit 'Yes' for its suggestions.

Eventually you are done. Click 'OK'.

II. DEV-C++ starts up. Try out the installation with a simple C program.


The program starts up automatically.

Click File/New/Project. Pick a name for the project (such as 'myProject'). Click 'C Project'. Click on 'Empty Project'. Click 'OK'.

In 'Create New Project', click 'save' (later on you will probably want to create separate subdirectories for your various projects.).

Click 'File/New/Source File' and in 'Add source file to current project' click 'Yes'. You now get a screen where you can edit the source file.

Type in a simple C program, as below. Now click 'File/Save As' and save the file as 'hello.c' (or other name.) Important: be sure that the file extension is .c. With any other extension (such as the suggested .cpp) you will have problems compiling.

Now click 'Execute/Compile and Run'

The program will (hopefully) compile, run, and write its output to a DOS window. If you have the system('pause') statement in your program, the output will stay in the window until you hit a key. Another way to run the program (after it has been compiled) is to start a DOS window outside of the Dev-Cpp system, then navigate to the subdirectory that holds your project, and type hello.exe.

At this point, the compiler and development environment has been installed. You should find Dev-C++ listed under 'Programs' on the 'Start' menu and will now be able to write, compile, and run C (and C++) programs. You will have include files, libraries, and dll's for OpenGL (and all other standard packages) but not GLUT. GLUT manages the windows and other user interface components needed for OpenGL programming, and needs to be separately installed.

If you do not need GLUT , you can quit now.

III. Download and install GLUT

To run OpenGL with GLUT (which is what the programs in Angel's book use), you need to get three files and place each file in its proper directory. All the files you need (and more) are contained in one zip file.


Download GLUT files from Download the file Save the zip file in some convenient location (perhaps C:temp).

Double click on (or otherwise unzip it). You will see the files that are in the zip archive. (Your un-zipping program will probably be diferent than the one shown here, but should work about the same.)

Click on 'Extract' to extract all the subdirectories and files. Pick some convenient directory to extract them to (perhaps C:tempglutming). You only need three files, but extract all of them anyway.

Only three of the files in the various subdirectories are needed. Each of the three files should be put in a subdirectory with other files of its type. Use Explorer to move the files to where they are needed.

Note: If you only see some of these files listed in Explorer, click on 'View/Options/View' and then select the radio button 'Show all Files'.

glut.h -- copy this file to C:Dev-CppincludeGL

Copy from your 'unzipped' subdirectories (wherever they are):

To here:

libglut32.a -- copy this file from your unzipped directories to C:Dev-Cpplib

There may be a newer version of this file there, already. Replace that version with the one you unzipped (if you keep the newer version your programs will not link correctly.)

Copy from your 'unzipped' subdirectories:

To here:

glut32.dll -- move this file to C:WINNTSystem32, or similar location.

The location for this file depends on your operating system. The directory where it goes is the directory that holds the dynamic load libraries (*.dll). An easy way to find where it should go is to look for glu32.dll (use 'Search' from the start menu).

The directory to use should also have the files glu32.dll and opengl32.dll. These should have come with your operating system.

IV. Test Dev-cpp with GLUT

The essential step in compiling and running a C program that contains OpenGL and GLUT functions is to tell the linker where the libraries are. This is done by clicking Project/Project Options/Parameters/Add Library or Options and then navigating to the libraries you need to include: libopengl32.a, libglu32.a, and libglut32.a. The libraries should be added in that order.


a. Create a subdirectory for a project. Do this first, before you start Dev-Cpp. Create a new subdirectory with 'Explorer' by clicking 'File/New/Folder'.

For example, create a folder C:GLproject.

b. Start Dev-cpp:

c. Start a new project by clicking File/New/Project. In the panel that pops up, name the project something like 'rectangle', click on 'empty project' and 'C': Click OK.

Note: For compiling with OpenGL you must create a project. You need to have a project (not just a single C file) in order to link in the OpenGL libraries.

d. In the next panel, navigate to your folder C:GLproject, and click 'Save'.

e. In Dev-C++, click 'File/New/Source File' and then in the next panel 'Add to Project' click 'yes'. Click 'File/Save As' and then give the file a name. Navigate to your project subdirectory to save the file in it. Name the file something like 'rectangle.c'

Be sure that the file names ends with '.c' anything else will cause big problems.

f. Click and drag your mouse over the following program so that it is highlighted, then click 'Edit/Copy' from the browser's menu bar.

g. Now click in the editing window of Dev-cpp and then click 'Edit/Paste' in its menu bar. The program will appear in the editing window.

h. Click 'File/Save'. The file in your project directory should now contain an OpenGL program.

i. Tell Dev-cpp what libraries need to be linked. Click 'Project/Project Options'.

j. Now click 'Parameters'. Click the 'Add Library or Object' button and navigate to the libraries that should be added, found under C:Dev-cpplib

  • ../lib/libopengl32.a
  • ../lib/libglu32.a
  • ../lib/libglut32.a

Add them in that order (only). Notice that the slashes will appear in Unix style '/' rather than DOS-style '.

When you are done adding the three libaries, you should see:

The exact pattern of '../../..' you see depends on how deep in the directory structure your source file lies.

Click 'OK'.

k. Click 'Execute/Compile and Run'. The program should compile, link, and run:

If things don't work (very common) click on the 'Compile Log' tab for some confusing error messages. If you see something like the following, it means that you made a mistake in adding the libraries to the project:

Try to fix the list of libraries, or perhaps start over from scratch.

You now are finished, or have given up.

So you want to take advantage of the power of the OpenGL API? If you are visiting this page because a game or software uses the OpenGL API, you need to install the appropriate graphic driver which enables usage of the functionality provided.

To program using the OpenGL API, you need the driver and the development package (depends on platform and programming language). More platform-specific details are described in the sections below.


This Wiki maintains a FAQ page for OpenGL.

Downloading OpenGL

In all three major desktop platforms (Linux, macOS, and Windows), OpenGL more or less comes with the system. However, you will need to ensure that you have downloaded and installed a recent driver for your graphics hardware.


Appropriate Windows driver websites:

Some sites also distribute beta versions of graphics drivers, which may give you access to bug fixes or new functionality before an official driver release from the manufacturer:

Without drivers, you will default to a software version of OpenGL 1.1 (on Win98, ME, and 2000), a Direct3D wrapper that supports OpenGL 1.1 (WinXP), or a Direct3D wrapper that supports OpenGL 1.1 (Windows Vista and Windows 7). None of these options are particularly fast, so installing drivers is always a good idea.

If your system does not contain a GPU, or the GPU vendor delivers graphics drivers providing OpenGL support that's so old as to be useless to you, you might want to consider installing the Mesa3D OpenGL library on your system. See this wiki link for details:


Graphics on Linux is almost exclusively implemented using the X windows system. Supporting OpenGL on Linux involves using GLX extensions to the X Server. There is a standard Application Binary Interface defined for OpenGL on Linux that gives application compatibility for OpenGL for a range of drivers. In addition the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) is a driver framework that allows drivers to be written and interoperate within a standard framework to easily support hardware acceleration, the DRI is included in of XFree86 4.0 but may need a card specific driver to be configured after installation.These days, XFree86 has been rejected in favor of XOrg due to the change in the license of XFree86, so many developers left Xfree86 and joined the XOrg group. Popular Linux distros come with XOrg now.

Vendors have different approaches to drivers on Linux, some support Open Source efforts using the DRI, and others support closed source frameworks but all methods support the standard ABI that will allow correctly written OpenGL applications to run on Linux.

For more information on developing OpenGL applications on Linux, see Platform specifics: Linux


Unlike other platforms, where the Operating System and OpenGL implementations are often updated separately, OpenGL updates are included as part of macOS system updates. To obtain the latest OpenGL on macOS, users should upgrade to the latest OS release, which can be found at

For developers, a default installation of macOS does not include any OpenGL headers, nor does it include other necessary development tools. These are installed by a separate developer tools package called Xcode. This installer includes the OpenGL headers, compilers (gcc), debuggers (gdb), Apple's Xcode IDE, and a number of performance tools useful for OpenGL application development.

For more information on developing OpenGL applications on macOS, see Platform specifics: macOS.

Writing an OpenGL Application

The first step is to pick your language. Bindings for OpenGL exist in many languages, from C# and Java to Python and Lua. Some languages have multiple sets of OpenGL bindings, none of them being official. All of them are ultimately based on the C/C++ bindings.

If you are not using C/C++, you must download and install a package or library for your chosen language that includes the OpenGL bindings. Some come pre-installed, but others have separate downloads.

If you are using C/C++, then you must first set up a build environment (Visual Studio project, GNU makefile, CMake file, etc) that can link to OpenGL. Under Windows, you need to statically link to a library called OpenGL32.lib (note that you still link to OpenGL32.lib if you're building a 64-bit executable. The '32' part is meaningless). Visual Studio, and most Windows compilers, come with this library.

On Linux, you need to link to libGL. This is done with a command-line parameter of '-lGL'.


Before you can actually use OpenGL in a program, you must first initialize it. Because OpenGL is platform-independent, there is not a standard way to initialize OpenGL; each platform handles it differently. Non-C/C++ language bindings can also handle these differently.

There are two phases of OpenGL initialization. The first phase is the creation of an OpenGL Context; the second phase is to load all of the necessary functions to use OpenGL. Some non-C/C++ language bindings merge these into one.

OpenGL Context Creation

An OpenGL context represents all of OpenGL. Creating one is very platform-specific, as well as language-binding specific.

If you are using the C/C++ language binding for OpenGL, then you are strongly advised to use a window toolkit for managing this task. These libraries create a window, attach an OpenGL context to this window, and manage basic input for that window. Once you are comfortable with OpenGL, you can then start learning how to do this manually.

Most non-C/C++ language bindings will provide you with a language-specific mechanism for creating a context.

Getting Functions

If you are using a non-C/C++ language binding, then the maintainer of that binding will already handle this as part of context creation. If you are using C/C++, read on.

In order to use OpenGL, you must get OpenGL API functions. For most libraries you are familiar with, you simply #include a header file, make sure a library is linked into your project or makefile, and it all works. OpenGL doesn't work that way.

For reasons that are ultimately irrelevant to this discussion, you must manually load functions via a platform-specific API call. This boilerplate work is done with various OpenGL loading libraries; these make this process smooth. You are strongly advised to use one.

If you want to do it manually however, there is a guide as to how to load functions manually. You still should use an extension loader.

Using OpenGL

OpenGL is a rendering library. What OpenGL does not do is retain information about an 'object'. All OpenGL sees is a ball of triangles and a bag of state with which to render them. It does not remember that you drew a line in one location and a sphere in another.

Because of that, the general way to use OpenGL is to draw everything you need to draw, then show this image with a platform-dependent buffer swapping command. If you need to update the image, you draw everything again, even if you only need to update part of the image. If you want to animate objects moving on the screen, you need a loop that constantly clears and redraws the screen.

There are techniques for only updating a portion of the screen. And you can use OpenGL with these techniques. But OpenGL itself doesn't do it internally; you must remember where you drew everything. You must figure out what needs updating and clear only that part of the screen. And so forth.

There are many tutorials and other materials available for learning how to use OpenGL, both on this wiki and online.

OpenGL Viewers

These are programs that you install and run, and they give you information specific to the OpenGL API your system implements, like the version offered by your system, the vendor, the renderer, the extension list, supported viewport size, line size, point size, plus many other details. Some might include a benchmark. Some are standalone benchmarks.

How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 1

  • OpenGL Extension Viewer (Windows, Windows x64 and macOS): This one comes with a database containing information about what extensions are implemented by hardware other than your own.

Tutorials and How To Guides

User contributed tutorials and getting started guides

  • OpenGL 3.0 and above:
    • Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming Through OpenGL.
    • OpenGL Step by Step (using C++, FreeGLUT and GLEW)
    • Free online OpenGL 4.0 book (OpenGL 3.3 code provided wherever possible) using freeglut and GLEW
    • Spiele Programmierung Windows OpenGL 3 Tutorials And Articles, Beginner to Advanced in German
    • OpenGL 3.3 and later Tutorials
    • Modern OpenGL 2012 (PDF file) by The Little Grashopper
    • Easy-to-understand modern OpenGL tutorials aimed at beginners.
    • OpenGL Podcast ( A Podcast on OpenGL, OpenGL ES, WebGL and VULKAN - From beginners to advanced Users.
    • TheChernoProject (Youtube): High Quality video series for learning modern OpenGL
    • Learn OpenGL basics
    • [1] : Introduction to compute shader
    • [git clone] : A simple text editor using OpenGL show casing use of vertex & Fragment shader to render text.

How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 4

  • Pre-OpenGL 3.0:
    • The OpenGL Programming Guide, also called the Red Book Covers OpenGL version 1.1.
    •, Intro to Modern OpenGL (en français)
    • GLUT, Tutorials
    •, GL 2.0, GLSL, tutorials
    •, Game development video tutorials, OpenGL, shaders, physics, math, C++, 3D modeling, network, audio etc
    • NeHe, OpenGL Tutorials
    • Setting up OpenGL, C++ & GLUT on Windows 7, Beginner tutorial
    • Swiftless Tutorials OpenGL 1 & 2,
    • Lazy Foo's OpenGL Tutorial, Covers OpenGL 2D in both OpenGL 2.1 and modern OpenGL
  • Code Resources: These are small snippets of code from the web that have been useful in the past. Most of them use deprecated functionality.

By Topic

  • Shadow Mapping
    •, Tutorial 16 : Shadow mapping PCF, shadow-acne/peter-panning, stratisfied sampling. GL3.3.
    • GL1.5.
    • ShadowMapping with GLSL shadow-acne, resolution, backfaces, border-issues. GL2+

Development Tools

  • RenderDoc - free, stand-alone graphics debugger. Supports only the OpenGL 3.2+ Core Profile. Works on both Windows and Linux.
  • Nsight Visual Studio Edition - Nsight 3.0 support OpenGL 4.2 Debugging and Profiling, along with Shader Debugging and Pixel History
  • Deleaker - Deleaker for Visual Studio finds OpenGL leaks

See Also

  • OpenGL Reference: All of the OpenGL 4.6 functions and what they do.
  • Related toolkits and APIs: For utilities that make using OpenGL easier.

How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 2

External Links

  • Reference Documentation
  • Implementations
    • The Mesa 3D Graphics Library, a software renderer based on the OpenGL API.
  • Engines
  • Demos
    • G-Truc Creation: OpenGL 2.1 - 4.1 Code samples
    • many demos, advanced
  • Theory and General Graphics Programming
  • Vendor SDKs
  • Other
    •, Constructive Solid Geometry, boolean operations with geometry
    •, The Gamedev OpenGL Forums
    • A Wiki about Game Programming, also has GL code snippets and other APIs

How To Install Opengl In Dev C 2b 2b 1b

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